Here’s What Its Like To Be A Bad Ass Frogman (Video)
18 Jan, 2017
Action, family drama, explosions, covert missions, eye candy – HISTORY channel’s new combat series “SIX” has it all. The eight-episode debut season follows members of Navy SEAL Team Six, modern American warriors, whose covert
mission to eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan goes awry when they uncover a U.S. citizen working with terrorists.
The team is lead by Walter Goggins who’s captured by Boko Haram two years after making a questionable decision while on a mission in Afghanistan. It’s now up to his former SEAL Team Six brothers–led by Barry Sloane, Kyle Schmid and Juan Pablo to put their differences aside to locate and rescue him.
The Trending Report spoke with Sloane who went into detail about the real missions that inspired the series, the intense training the team received for authenticity and the struggle of balancing work and real life.
B. Owusu
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Mentioned In This Post: @BarrySloane, @history
About the author
Old school journalist living in a social media world.